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Containers, Images, Registeries , and Dockerfile
Lect. 1 - Registeries
1.1 Course Contents (1:37)
1.2 Docker Elments (5:24)
1.3 Docker CE Installation on Centos 7 (11:35)
1.4 Docker Daemon & CLI (5:27)
1.5 daemon.json File (11:27)
1.6 Docker Hub - (7:01)
1.7 Search for Images from CLI (4:50)
1.8 registeries.conf File (2:14)
Lect. 2 - Containers
2.1 Your First Container (8:28)
2.2 Containers in detached mode (6:19)
2.3 Naming Containers (1:46)
Gain interactive shell to containers (3:11)
docker exec command (2:28)
Assign Variable to Container (1:30)
2.7 Your First Container Again (9:45)
2.8 Exporse Network Ports (5:47)
2.9 Apache Container (5:57)
2.10 Jenkins Container (7:45)
2.11 Start,Stop,Restart Containers (2:48)
2.12 Removing Containers (3:02)
2.13 Inspect Containers (3:03)
2.14 Cpu And Memory Limits For Containers (2:43)
2.15 Restart Policy (6:41)
2.16 Mapping Volumes To Containers (6:09)
2.17 Linking containers (5:21)
Dokcer Images
3.1 Listing & Searching for Images (3:36)
3.2 Image Tagging (3:39)
3.3 Pushing Images (3:17)
3.4 UnionFS (5:44)
3.5 Show image hisotry (2:27)
3.6 Removing Images (2:45)
3.7 Convert Image to tar File (4:04)
3.8 Convert Container to tar File (3:13)
Dockerfile & Docker compose
4.1 What Is Dockerfile?! (6:00)
4.2 Dockerfile - Example 1 (8:36)
4.3 Dockerfile - Example 2 (4:02)
4.4 Dockerfile Example 3 (21:55)
4.5 Docker Compos (3:16)
4.6 Docker Compose Lab (9:07)
3.7 Convert Image to tar File
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